Welcome to BCFF

About Us

Foamsoft is a growing sport that is already popular in Asia and Australia, and taking North America by storm!

You can think of it like paintball with foam darts, or high-speed nerf for adults.

BC Foam Flingers is a group dedicated to this performance-chasing sport.

We're a community of adult players from casual to competitive who enjoy flinging foam!


Please join our Discord server to RSVP for the events listed below.

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Partner Vendors

Our local partners provide excellent Foamsoft equipment at affordable rates. Please check out their websites for more information.


Local supplier of darts, custom barrels, parts and complete blasters.

Borderline Blasters

Reseller of primarily Worker blasters. Use the chat widget to request.


Foamsoft is a growing sport in Asia, Australia, and North America. It's like paintball with safe, foam darts that you can play in a public area instead of just a private field. Different communities will refer to the sport by differing names, such as Dartsoft or just as Nerf. We call it Foamsoft to distinguish ourselves from usual off-the-shelf, kid-safe toys and manage expectations.

The darts (bullets) fly much faster and are made of a solid rubber tip. Foamsoft uses equipment that shares no commonality with Nerf or Hasbro. The darts are different and shorter, the blasters shoot much harder and faster and more accurately. To put it in perspective, Nerf shoots at 70 feet per second (FPS). We shoot up to 250 FPS, which exceeds the muzzle energy of an airsoft rifle, because our projectile is much heavier than a BB, yet travels at a similar speed.

Foamsoft uses reusable rubber and foam darts, so there is no sticky mess to clean up. You also don't need to fill up air tanks or buy ammo on the field, so there is no field fee. It hurts less and games can happen much closer to home at your local parks.

The physics of Foamsoft are far more lenient for public play. Foam darts weigh more than BBs, but are much less dense, resulting in dramatic fall off of speed, so range is limited and play areas can be confined. The rubber tips also disperse that energy over a much larger part of your body, which results in much less pain, and never any broken skin. Despite this, our rules stipulate all players wear eye protection, as well as making sure we're not close to non-participants.

Nothing! We offer free loaners when available (RSVP with us so we know to bring sufficient loaners), and there are no field fees when we play in public parks. There is a $15 fee for facilities which we have to rent for indoor events. We want to keep Foamsoft as open as possible to the community and set ourselves apart from other shooting sport alternatives.

A good starting blaster that can immediately cover all your bases costs about $100. There are many options, depending on your playstyle. Compared to many other shooting sports, the accessories and worn equipment is also very minimal, so there are very little other costs.

We provide all the darts, free of charge. Do not bring any darts without asking first, as we need to verify if it is field-legal. Make sure to stay after the game is over to help us collect the darts and clean up the field.

You need to be 18+ to play. This is an adult sport, and we exercise discipline and respect around use of our blasters. For outdoor games, generally kids 13+ are allowed to play, provided that their parent is also playing with them. For indoor games, where FPS limits are lower, we have allowed kids younger than 13, but also only when supervised by their participating parent. Kids cannot play without their parent also actively playing. If you are looking for an activity for your kids only, please take a look at Vancouver Blaster Brawls.

Every event features multiple modes which will have different blaster or FPS restrictions, as it keeps the game interesting. As a general rule, outdoor maximum is 250 FPS and indoor maximum is 200 FPS.

The other rules are on the Discord and Facebook links. There is a CQC restriction that blasters over 200 FPS cannot fire within 10 feet. Other general rules are: 250 FPS max for outdoor, 200 FPS max indoor, Eye protection is mandatory, stay home if you are sick.

No. We allow springers, AEBs, flywheels, air-bladder blasters, low pressure air, and stringers.

We've been playing for 2 years. Event participation is usually between 15-40 players, depending on the venue. We host smaller games weekly, and larger games every month. See the calendar for details.

No. Please color your blasters brightly as much as possible, or have it be obviously not a firearm. Although we are more lenient with darker blasters for indoor events, replicas are forbidden. Always use common sense and never brandish or point your blaster at non-participants.